Mount Alma, Beef Island
This easy but highly rewarding hike uses a bush trail than winds up Mt. Alma, the 736ft hill looming over Trellis Bay and Bluff Bay on Beef Island. In past years, a version of this trail was used by pirates to access a strategic look-out spot at the top. These days it’s occasionally used by technicians maintaining an airport navigation light up there, and occasionally by hikers like us. The trail is in great condition and an ascent takes around 45mins-1 ½ hours depending on the fitness levels of the group. The trail itself is in the shade of a wonderful dry tropical forest, with loblolly, acacias and turpentine trees, and ‘air plants’ hanging from branches and rocks.
The top of Mt Alma offers one of the best views in the BVI - 360º of uninterrupted ocean and islands, from nearby Marina Cay and Scrub Island to St. John in the distance to the west. If there are any pirates left, we'l spot 'em from here!
Total time: 2-3hrs
Price per person: $95
The Wild North Shore trail
- We’ll take a little known trail that drops down from the high hills of George’s North Side and into a stretch of Tortola coastline that almost no one goes to. Taking in four different bays – Larmer, Cooper, Trunk and Rogues Bay – the route mixes in wild, coraline shorelines, remarkable overgrown 18th century ruins, beautiful forest pathways, some easy residential roads and two of the finest white sand beaches in the world.
It’s a long hike but we manage to keep the uphills to a minimum, traversing the coastline from bay to bay. If the north shore seas aren’t raging, which they often are in winter months, we can stop for swimming or even snorkeling along the way.
Most of the path is easy, but in parts it does get steep and/or rocky, so a moderate level of fitness is needed.
Bring some water, snacks and/or lunch, and some sturdy hiking boots!
This is a one-way hike, so we’ll organize transport back to your vehicle at the start point if needed.
Total time: 4hrs
Price per person: $100
BelleView to Josiah’s Bay
A fantastic ghut walk (ghut = stream bed), down the mountain from historic Belle View (Tortola) into Cooten Bay which has a ruined 18th century rum distillery fortified with old canons in the undergrowth - all raw and untouched.
We then walk along Cooten beach and make a short bush hike over the hill into Josiah's Bay.
It takes around 2 hours and needs medium level fitness - the first half is downhill, no path but stepping down boulders in the stream bed. Second half is a rock/coral beach followed two short steep bush paths where a fixed rope is used to help ascent and descent.
This hike is a wonderful mix of forest with boulders, hanging vines and spring-fed pools, and beaches, both coral and powder white sand. It’s also a great way to gain an understanding of the history of the islands. The bush tells us stories. Josiah’s Bay is the perfect end-point, offering a cooling swim and an ice-cold drinks at Big D’s bar.
Total time: 3hrs
Price per person: $100
Sage Mt. Rainforest Walks
- For a gentle, shady walk we can guide you along the wonderful trails of Sage Mountain, the highest mountaintop in the Virgin Islands and home to Sage Mountain National Park. Up here, in the unique micro rainforest climate, the trees are tall and the views of the island chain are spectacular. With a knowledgeable local guide, it’s a great chance to learn all about the plants, their medicinal and other properties that Virgin Island people have used for centuries, and the unique history of the islands as a whole.
With a number of trail options in the National Park we can choose timing and routing according your group’s wishes. We can do this hike at any time of day because even on a hot day, it’s always cool up there in the rainforest.
Bring liquid refreshment, a camera and some sturdy shoes!
Time: 11/2 - 3hrs
Cost $65-85
Whole Island Hikes
- For groups who want to experience a truly unique island hike, we’ll ship out to one of our offshore islands and cays, and literally walk it from end to end. Along the way you’ll see incredible views of other islands, steep cliffs and hidden bays. You can learn about the rare, often unique fauna and flora of each island, and hear remarkable tales of the past from these islands, once home to indians, pirates, planters, slaves, survivors and eccentrics. You’ll need sunscreen, a hat and some strong walking shoes, but be assured, your hike will incorporate a stunning beach, with crystal Caribbean waters to cool and relax you.
Total time: TBD
Total Price: TBD
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