Hike and Paddle Combo Tours
For a fun, energetic and informative ½-day experience why not join us for a Mountain and Mangrove hike and paddle!
We’ll start by taking a deep bush trail up Mt. Alma, the 736ft hill that looms over Trellis Bay and Hans Creek on Beef Island. In past years, a version of this trail was used by pirates to access the strategic look-out spot at the top. These days it’s occasionally used by technicians maintaining an airport navigation light up there, and occasionally by hikers like us. The trail is in great condition and an ascent takes around 45mins-1 ½ hours depending on the fitness levels of the group. The trail itself is in the shade of a wonderful dry tropical forest, with loblolly, turpentine and acacia trees.
The top of Mt Alma offers one of the best views in the BVI - 360º of uninterrupted ocean and islands, from nearby Marina Cay and Scrub Island to St. John in the distance to the west.
You can also look down on Hans Creek mangrove lagoon which is where, once we’ve descended, we’ll take a gentle 2hr paddle. These mangroves are completely unaffected by man, so they offer a wonderful chance to see pure BVI marine nature close up. We’ll look out for the baby sharks, sting rays, barracuda and myriad reef fish that use this lagoon as a place to spend their early years. Choose between double kayaks, clear-bottom kayaks and SUPs .
Total time: 4hrs, approx
Price per person: $150
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